Creatively You

7 Steps to Creative Intelligence

With Dr. Yazan Hijazi

Creatively You™ is a self-paced video course to empower your creative potential.


Why Should You Care?

Disruption is driving change at an accelerated pace.

Your ability to adapt, compete and differentiate yourself increasingly depends on creativity.

Creativity is not about painting, singing or acting; these are forms of creative expression. Creativity is your divine intelligence and birthright. It is a skill that can and should be developed to connect more deeply with your creative self, and improve your results in work and life.

IBM Global CEO Study and vast business research indicate that leadership creativity is indispensable in the 21st century.
Yet only 2% of adults measure as highly creative.

Get Your Creative Edge!

This course will inspire you and empower your creative self to transform your results.

Enhance Problem Solving
Unlock Creative Thinking
Learn Creative Techniques
Supercharge Your Career

Creatively You

7 Steps to Creative Intelligence

With Dr. Yazan Hijazi

Creatively You™ is a self-paced video course to empower your creative intelligence and optimize your potential.


Why Should You Care?

Disruption is driving change at an accelerated pace.

Your ability to adapt, differentiate, compete and navigate through uncertainty increasingly depends on creativity.

IBM Global CEO Study and vast business research indicate that leadership creativity is essential in the 21st century. Yet only 2% of adults measure as creative.

Upgrade Mindset
Enhance Creativity
Apply Process
Increase Competitiveness

Watch Intro Video

Why I Created This Course?

We live in a complex and uncertain world. Business-as-usual is not good enough anymore. We need intentional creative humans to deliver insight and create impact in the face of life's endless challenges. Technology can help but can't substitute the depth of the human heart or the creativity of the human mind. YOU are the most advanced technology in the Universe.

Creatively Youis for

Entrepreneurs, managers and students who want to bring more creativity to their work and play.

Passionate self-developers looking to expand their horizons.

People stuck in boring routines seeking inspiration.

People transitioning in their careers who want to get that creative edge.

If you're curious and have a bellybutton ;)

Watch Intro Video

Enroll Now

Over $600 Value
Limited time offer of $199

What Clients Say

Walid Aboulnaga

Serial Entrepreneur
Founder Nafas Journeys

"This course is a true gem! It's refreshing & engaging. While my work involves creativity, I always thought that you either have it or you don't. This course motivated me to develop my team's creative intelligence, which positively impacts our top & bottom-line. "

Sylvia de Marco

Artist & Designer
Creator of The Dream Catcher

"I create immersive & unique experiences for my clients, and I know that creativity is like a muscle - you need to stretch it. This course was like yoga for the mind. I loved the mix of business & art, and the overall positive message of Dr. Hijazi. Great energy, thank you. "

Daniel Frederic

COO & Partner Chez zEriodes
Partner Allo-Media

"Just completed the course and I am totally mind-blown! Discovered how to better myself creatively. Highly recommended to those who want to explore their creative intelligence. Thank you so much for your teachings Dr. Yazan!"

Heidi Rosado

Executive Career Advisor
Organizational Development Facilitator

"I have a single goal for my client's: To tell their career story in a memorable, meaningful, relevant and magical way. This course has helped my thinking and my engagement with clients who feel stuck so they can explore creative alternatives leading to positive outcomes. "

Max Arev

Huawei Technologies
Software Engineering & Project Management

"Outstanding and mind blowing material for everyone who wishes or needs a fresh and creative approach to problem solving. 100% recommended for students or new comers into the Marketing or Design world, just as for seasoned folks who might want to expand their visions towards Creativity in general. Great job with this course Dr. Hijazi, I hope that more courses will be generated from your end in similar fields."

Laith F. Madi

Chief Operating Officer Naftec

"I am fully aware of the need for creative leadership in today's turbulent times. This course offered fresh perspective and provided me with tools to get more creative output from my team."

Dorian H. Mekni

Professional Freelancer
App Developer

"Ground-breaking and highly inspiring. Nurturing my boiling creative-self so far!"

Abeer AlBashiti

Founder Larimar Emotion AI
Wellbeing Enthusiast & Advocate

"Super beneficial course, I recommend it! Thank you Dr. Yazan for sharing these valuable insights."

Dr. Yazan Hijazi

Your Facilitator

Being human implies possibility, not limitation.

Dr. Yazan Hijazi is a renowned international speaker and innovation ambassador with a PhD in Electrical Engineering. Over the course of 22 years he has worked as a scientist, professor, executive director and consultant across industries including technology development, academia, financial services and startups. His expertise converges at the intersection of technology and business innovation, leadership and human potential.

He is a certified practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Timeline Therapy, Emergenetics® and Human Centered Design. He regularly trains and advises organizations and professionals on Creativity, Design Thinking, Transformational Leadership, High Performance Teams and Innovation Muscle Building.

Dr. Hijazi lived in five countries and speaks Arabic, English, Italian & Spanish fluently.

Join Today

Creatively YouCourse is For:

Entrepreneurs, managers and students who want to bring more creativity to their work and play.

Passionate self-developers looking for inspiration and expanding their horizons.

People stuck in boring routines wishing to reignite their curiosity.

People who have a bellybutton ;)


Watch Intro Video



Dr. Yazan Hijazi s a renowned international speaker and innovation ambassador with a PhD in Electrical Engineering. Over the course of 20 years Dr. Hijazi has worked as a scientist, professor, executive director and consultant across industry verticals including technology R&D, academia and financial services. His expertise converges at the intersection of technology & business innovation, leadership & human potential.

He is a certified practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Timeline Therapy, Emergenetics™ & Human Centered Design. He regularly trains and advises organizations & professionals on Creativity, Design Thinking, Transformational Leadership, High Performance & Innovation Muscle Building.

Dr. Hijazi lived in five countries and speaks Arabic, English, Spanish and Italian fluently.



Enroll Today

Over $400 Value
Limited time offer of $167

Creativity is to see differently,
and to create possibilities previously unimagined.

Creatively You Benefits

Creative Mindset

Upgrade your mindset and transform your thinking.

Tools & Process

Apply the Naturally Creative Process™ & Hybrid Brainstorming.

Evaluative Metrics

Use the 3+ Creative Metrics to  evaluate competing alternatives.

Facilitation Skills

Develop skills to unleash your team's creativity.

Self Expression

Empower your self-expression & self-confidence.

Explore Alternatives

Frame challenges to create new possibilities.

Unbox Limitations

Discover why thinking outside the box is another box.

Increase Competitiveness

Use your creative intelligence to advance your career.

What You Get

Seamless Delivery Experience

4.5 Hours of Video

7 modules with 24 bite-sized lessons


Knowledge integrations, practical examples & email support

Anytime Anywhere

Access from your desktop or mobile

Certificate of Completion

Upon completing course & knowledge integrations

Start Your Creative
Journey Today

For $199 Only!

Start Journey Today

Creatively You Journey

7-Steps to Creative Intelligence


If you don’t know where you’re going, you may end up somewhere else...

Before embarking on a journey, we must first know where we stand, where we want to go and with what purpose. In this module we together set the journey's context. I share hacks to improve learning, while exploring the deeper Power of Why in guiding your work and personal life.


Extraordinary success requires extraordinary thinking!

Creativity is your nature. Unfortunately, for most of us, it is buried under social conditioning and educational norms. In this module we reawaken to our divine creativity, and see how the accelerating wheel of progress is driven by creativity in action.


Upgrading mindset is the essence of meaningful growth.

In our eagerness to learn, we forget our need to unlearn. Our outdated models are filled with destructive myths & limiting beliefs that sap our creative juices. We eliminate these mental blocks by adopting Creative Diversity as a practical and inclusive model for creativity.


Change your frame and what you see changes.

We've all experienced how a simple change of perspective can resolve a nagging problem. This is the power of taking perspective. In this module, we embrace a beginner’s mind and unravel creativity by un-defining it, while introducing insightful re-frames to liberate your thinking.


Not everything that can be measured should be measured.

Creativity is subjective; but can it be measured? YES! Even a piece of art is measured by the emotions evoked within us. When creativity takes the form of concepts and solutions, we must have a common language to measure it. In this module, you learn the 3+ Creative Metrics tool through a practical and fun activity.


Secrets are obvious once known.

Discover amazing research-backed facts & tools about creativity, and the single most important factor in engaging your creative muscle. The Naturally Creative Process™ will become second nature enabling you to address challenges, solve problems and achieve better results.


Adding some love to bring it all together.

In this last module we summarize the journey and insights gained. You will experience improvement in your creativity through a check-out exercise.

Finally, I share recommendations to continue developing and sharpening your creative intelligence.


Curiosity didn't kill the cat, stupidity did.

Curated videos, articles and resources to spark your curiosity.


Curiosity didn't kill the cat, stupidity did.

Curated videos, articles and resources to spark your curiosity.

Walid Aboulnaga

Serial Entrepreneur
Founder Nafas Journeys

" This course is a true gem! It's refreshing & engaging. While our work involves creativity, I always thought that you either have it or you don't. This course motivated me to develop my team's creative intelligence, which positively impacts our top & bottom-line. "

Sylvia de Marco

Artist & Designer
Creator of The Dreama Catcher

" I create immersive & unique experiences for my clients, and I know that creativity is like a muscle - you need to stretch it. This course was like yoga for the mind. I loved the mix of business & art, and the overall positive message of Dr. Hijazi. Great energy, thank you."

Daniel Frederic

COO & Partner chez zEriodes
Partner Allo-Media

" Just completed the course and I am totally mind-blown! Discovered how to better myself creatively. Highly recommended to those who want to explore their creative intelligence. Thank you so much for your teachings Dr. Yazan! "

Heidi Rosado

Executive Career Advisor
Organizational Development Facilitator

" I have a single goal my each client:s To tell their career story in a memorable, meaningful, relevant, interesting and magical way. This course has helped my thinking and my engagement with clients who feel stuck to explore creative alternatives leading to positive outcomes. "

Max Arev

Huawei Technologies
Software Engineering, Project Management, Economics, Finances, IT World in General

" Outstanding and mind blowing material for everyone who wishes or needs a fresh and creative approach to a problem solving from creativity perspective, 100% recommended for students or new comers into the Marketing or Design world, just as for seasoned folks who might want to expand their visions towards Creativity in general. Great job with this course Dr. Hijazi and I truly hope that more online courses will be generated from your end in similar fields. "

Laith F. Madi

Chief Operating Officer Naftec

" As a leader of teams in the oil & gas industries, I am fully aware of the need for creative leadership in today's turbulent times. This course offered fresh perspective and provided me with tools to get more creative output from my team. "

Dorian H. Mekni

Professional Freelancer
App Developer

" Ground-breaking and highly inspiring. Nurturing my boiling creative-self so far!"

Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

What are you waiting for?

Redefine Possible...

Enroll Now

If Creatively Youdoes not meet your expectations, we will refund you in full.

Email: [email protected]


Being Human Implies Possibility, Not Limitation.

Walid Aboulnaga
Serial Entrepreneur

Founder Nafas Journeys

" This course is a true gem! It's refreshing & engaging. While our work involves creativity, I always thought that you either have it or you don't. This course motivated me to develop my team's creative intelligence, which positively impacts our top & bottom-line. "

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"Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis nam a accusamus itaque impedit, eaque earum molestias ipsam aspernatur iste amet at? Accusamus, ab perspiciatis illo illum temporibus repudiandae necessitatibus."

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"Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis nam a accusamus itaque impedit, eaque earum molestias ipsam aspernatur iste amet at? Accusamus, ab perspiciatis illo illum temporibus repudiandae necessitatibus."

Job description

catchy line
"Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Veritatis nam a accusamus itaque impedit, eaque earum molestias ipsam aspernatur iste amet at? Accusamus, ab perspiciatis illo illum temporibus repudiandae necessitatibus."

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